Monday, August 12, 2013

So this isn't new to me, but every time I read about it my mind is still blown! God loves us so much that not only did he send his son as a sacrifice for our sinful nature and lifestyle, but God wants to live here on earth with us. We see it in the the plans he gives David for the temple the Solomon builds  and we see it also in the instructions he gives Ezekiel. Both times he talks about how he WILL live among his people. He wants to be with us! He loves us so dearly. While this maybe a small to most it's HUGE to me has everything it's all his, but all he desires is to be with us. The creator of the universe wants us. You & me. How special are we... ?

Think about it...

Monday, August 5, 2013

Just a little something I read that I felt needed to be shared. I'm afraid many of us in the church are leaving out the important things. Including the Holy Spirit.